When I have some spare-time, I'm searching the web for simple but nice mootools scripts.
the blog of David walsh is one of my favorites, I wrapped his mootools skype effect in Element to make it easier to do.
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- /*
- based upon work from david walsh, http://davidwalsh.name/skype-mootools
- File:
- element.shake.js
- @author thierry bela
- (code)
- $(element).shake();
- (function () { $(element).shake('horizontal')}).delay(500)
- (end code)
- */
- Element.implement({shake: function () {
- var fx1, fx2, property = arguments[0] == 'horizontal' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-top';
- if(!this.retrieve('shake:fx1')) {
- this.store('shake:fx2', new Fx.Tween(this, {duration: 100, link: "chain", onChainComplete:function() { this.store('running', false) }.bind(this) })).
- store('shake:fx1', new Fx.Tween(this, {duration: 200, link: "chain", onComplete:function() {
- fx2.start(property, -7).start(property, -4).start(property, -6).start(property, 0);
- }
- })
- );
- }
- fx2 = this.retrieve('shake:fx2'),
- fx1 = this.retrieve('shake:fx1');
- if(!this.retrieve('running')) {
- fx1.start(property, -10).start(property, -4);
- this.store('running', true);
- }
- return this;
- }
- });
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Hi guy!j
RépondreSupprimerI'm happy to visit your blog. I thik it is nice idea to share your experiences with us. I know that are the best among us. I like what you do