samedi 15 mai 2010

Mootools jQuery like Exposé

The jQuery like Exposé in mootools is out.

more infos and download on the mootools forge | fork it on github.

Building Mootools on windows with Packager

In the case you miss it, mootools 1.3beta1 is out. if you are using windows and you want to build it, the qucikest way to achieve it is to use packager.

  • grab mootools 1.3b1, and packager
  • extract mootools in a folder, lets say "c:\mootools\"
  • extract packager in your local web server.
  • create a php file and put these lines of code

require 'packager.php';

$pkg = new Packager('c:\\mootools\\');

//the first parameter is the mootools.js build
$pkg->write_from_components('c:\\mootools\\mootools.js', $pkg->get_all_files());


now you run your php script in your web browser to create your mootools build.

dimanche 25 avril 2010

Mootools Tab: A simple yet powerful mootools slideshow plugin

Mootools Tab is a complete rewrite of an old script I wrote for mootools 1.11. I dropped all extra functionality such as cookie reminder and automatic slide. It currently has 5 customizable plugins that can produce awesome effects including, MooStack, the barack slideshow or jQuery nivoslider.

How to use
It is quite simple to use. what you need first is


<div id="slide">  <div class="ctab"><img src="images/slide1.jpg" width="400" height="300" /></div>      <div class="ctab hidden"><img src="images/slide2.jpg" width="400" height="300" /></div>      <div class="ctab hidden"><img src="images/slide3.jpg" width="400" height="300" /></div>      <div class="ctab hidden"><img src="images/slide4.jpg" width="400" height="300" /></div>    </div>    //the tabs   <div class="tabs"><a href="#0">1</a><a href="#1">2</a><a href="#2">3</a><a href="#3">4</a></div>  


var swapper = new Tab({        container: 'slide',      tabs: 'div.tabs a',      onChange: function () {            //do something      }  });  


  • container - (mixed) the element that contains the panels.
  • selector - (string, optional) only container children that match the selector will be grabbed.
  • animation - (string, optional) the transition plugin to use for swapping. default to None
  • params - (object, optional) parameters specific to the transition plugin.
  • fx - (object, optional) parameters for the animation. this can be any of the Fx parameters.
  • current - (int, optional) index of the panel that is displayed first. default to 0
  • tabs - (mixed, optional) when a tab is clicked, the corresponding panel is shown. anything you can pass to $$ is accepted.
  • activeClass - (string, optional) style applied to the selected tab.
  • inactiveClass - (string, optional) style applied to every unselected tab.



Fired right after the tabs has been setup.
onCreate(newPanel, index)  
  1. newPanel - (element) the active panel.
  2. index - (int) the index of the active panel.


Fired when the active panel is changed.
onChange(newPanel, curPanel, index, current)  
  1. newPanel - (element) the active panel.
  2. oldPanel - (element) the previously selected panel.
  3. index - (int) the index of the active panel.
  4. current - (int) index of the previously selected panel.

samedi 31 octobre 2009

Mootools Select In Place

Yesterday, was writing code using a mootools editInPlace plugin, but I faced a situation where some values had to be selected from a list.

So I decided to spend sometime to write a mootools SelectInPlace plugin
see it in action



/* toColor: "#e1ecf5", */
/* fColor: "#fff" */

selectInplace: function (options) {

var property = 'background-color', sel = this.setStyle('display', 'none'), el = new Element('span', {text: sel.getSelected()[0].get('text')}).inject(this.addEvent('change', function () {

el.set('text', sel.getSelected()[0].get('text'))
}), 'before'), bg = el.getStyle(property);
options = $merge({

toColor: "#e1ecf5",
fColor: "#fff"
}, options);


tween: {link: 'cancel'},
events: {

mouseenter: function() { el.tween(property, options.toColor) },
mouseleave: function() { el.tween(property, options.fColor).get('tween').chain(function () { el.setStyle(property, bg)}); },
click: function(e) {

if(e) e.stop();

el.setStyle('display', 'none');
var clone = sel.clone().setStyle('display', 'inline-block').inject(el, 'before'),
wrapper = new Element('span').inject(clone, 'after'),
clean = function () {

cancel = new Element('a', {'href': 'javascript:;', html: 'Cancel', events:{click: clean}}).inject(wrapper),

span = new Element('span', {html: ' - '}).injectAfter(cancel),

save = new Element('a', {'href': 'javascript:;', html: 'Save', events: {click: function(e) {

if(clone.selectedIndex != sel.selectedIndex) {

sel.selectedIndex = clone.selectedIndex;
sel.fireEvent('change', e)

}}).inject(span, 'after')


//keep reference for later usage
return'el:inplace', el)

vendredi 16 octobre 2009

Quick phone number validation

I wrote a quick phone number validation regExp form my form validator, you can use it at your own risk :) .

usage is quite straighforward:

//random number
var number = '+237 348 547 12',//var number = '(+237) 348 547 12',
//var number = '237 348 547 12',
regExp = /^((\+\d+)|(\(\+?\d+\)))?\s*\d([\d+\-/ ])+$/;


let me know it you find something wrong with it.

mercredi 16 septembre 2009

Mootools tooltip made simple

mootoos setter and getter are just great features, I used it to extend Element with a simple way to provide tooltip.
Adding a tooltip is quite simple:
Element.set('tooltip', 'some html')

removing the tooltip:
Element.set('tooltip', '')

view the demo
the css:

.tip-body {

position: absolute;
/* .tip-body div {

display: inline-block
} */
.tip-body-right {

background: transparent url( no-repeat left center;
padding-left: 5px;
.tip-body-left {

background: transparent url( no-repeat right center;
padding-right: 5px;
.tip-body-top {

background: transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;
padding-bottom: 5px;

.tip-body-bottom {

background: transparent url( no-repeat center top;
padding-top: 5px;

.tip-container {

background: #4c4c4c;
color: #ffffe5;
padding: 5px 9px;
/* line-height: 10; */
margin: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
/* float: left; */
/* height: 13 */

the javascript:

(function () {

var morphIn = {}, morphOut = {}, events = {mouseenter: function () { this.retrieve('tip:body').morph(morphIn) }, mouseleave: function () { this.retrieve('tip:body').morph(morphOut) }},
_follow = function (e) {

var options = this.retrieve('tip:options');
this.retrieve('tip:body').setStyles({left: + options.offset.left, top: +})

Element.Properties.tooltip = {

set: function(message, options) {

if (this.retrieve('tip:body')) {


if ((message !== 0 && !message) || ($type(message) == 'element' && message.get('text').trim() !== 0 && !message.get('text').trim())) return this;

options = $merge({
location: 'top',
offset: {left: 5, top: 5},
fixed: true,
opacity: .9
}, options);'tip:options', options).store('tip:body', new Element("div", {"class": "tip-body tip-body-" + options.location, morph: {duration: 500} }).

adopt(new Element("div", {"class": "tip-container",

html: $type(message) == 'element' ? new Element('div').adopt(message).get('html') : message.replace(/ /g, " ")


var coords = this.getCoordinates(), tip = this.retrieve('tip:body'), t = tip.getSize(), styles = {opacity: 0};

morphIn = {opacity: options.opacity};
morphOut = {opacity: 0};

//we should use a css instead of this, especially for IE6
if(Browser.Engine.trident && Browser.Engine.version <= 5) {

Browser.Engine.version <= 4 ? 100 :

overflow: 'visible'});
t = tip.getSize()

switch(options.location) {

case 'left':
styles.left = coords.left - options.offset.left - t.x; =;
/* styles.marginLeft = -15; */
morphIn.marginLeft = 0;
morphOut.marginLeft = -15;
case 'right':
styles.left = coords.right + options.offset.left; =;
/* styles.marginLeft = 15; */
morphIn.marginLeft = 0;
morphOut.marginLeft = 15;
case 'bottom':
styles.left = coords.left + (coords.width / 2).round() - (t.x / 2).round(); = coords.bottom +;
/* styles.marginTop = 15; */
morphIn.marginTop = 0;
morphOut.marginTop = 15;
case 'top':
styles.left = coords.left + (coords.width / 2).round() - (t.x / 2).round(); = - - t.y;
/* styles.marginTop = -15; */
morphIn.marginTop = 0;
morphOut.marginTop = -15;

if(!options.fixed) events.mousemove = _follow; else delete events.mousemove;
return this;

get: function(message, options){
if (message) this.set('tooltip', message, options);
return this.retrieve('tip:body');

view the demo

lundi 7 septembre 2009

Templating and php

I ported the mootools javascript templating to php, so that you can use it with object and associative array.

function substitute($string, $object) {

$o = is_object($object) ? get_object_vars($object) : $object;

if(preg_match_all('/\\\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/', $string, $matches)) {

$search = array();
$replace = array();

foreach($matches[0] as $k => $m) {

if(substr($m, 0, 1) == '\\')

$search[] = $m;
$replace[] = isset($o[$matches[1][$k]]) && is_scalar($o[$matches[1][$k]]) ? $o[$matches[1][$k]] : '';

$string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

return $string;

Here are some sample usages

$template = '{greating}, my name is {name}';

//using an object
$object = new stdClass();
$object->greating = 'Hello';
$object->name = 'Bela';

echo substitute($template, $object); //Hello, my name is Bela

//using an associative array
echo substitute($template, array('greating' => 'Hello',
'name' => 'Bela'
)); //Hello, my name is Bela

If you are looking for a very advanced usage of template you'll probabily look for library like patTemplate