samedi 31 octobre 2009

Mootools Select In Place

Yesterday, was writing code using a mootools editInPlace plugin, but I faced a situation where some values had to be selected from a list.

So I decided to spend sometime to write a mootools SelectInPlace plugin
see it in action



/* toColor: "#e1ecf5", */
/* fColor: "#fff" */

selectInplace: function (options) {

var property = 'background-color', sel = this.setStyle('display', 'none'), el = new Element('span', {text: sel.getSelected()[0].get('text')}).inject(this.addEvent('change', function () {

el.set('text', sel.getSelected()[0].get('text'))
}), 'before'), bg = el.getStyle(property);
options = $merge({

toColor: "#e1ecf5",
fColor: "#fff"
}, options);


tween: {link: 'cancel'},
events: {

mouseenter: function() { el.tween(property, options.toColor) },
mouseleave: function() { el.tween(property, options.fColor).get('tween').chain(function () { el.setStyle(property, bg)}); },
click: function(e) {

if(e) e.stop();

el.setStyle('display', 'none');
var clone = sel.clone().setStyle('display', 'inline-block').inject(el, 'before'),
wrapper = new Element('span').inject(clone, 'after'),
clean = function () {

cancel = new Element('a', {'href': 'javascript:;', html: 'Cancel', events:{click: clean}}).inject(wrapper),

span = new Element('span', {html: ' - '}).injectAfter(cancel),

save = new Element('a', {'href': 'javascript:;', html: 'Save', events: {click: function(e) {

if(clone.selectedIndex != sel.selectedIndex) {

sel.selectedIndex = clone.selectedIndex;
sel.fireEvent('change', e)

}}).inject(span, 'after')


//keep reference for later usage
return'el:inplace', el)

3 commentaires:

  1. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.

  2. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.

  3. David Walsh is Mozilla’s senior web developer, and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework. David’s blog reflects his skills in HTML/5, JS and CSS, and offers a ton of engaging advice and insight into front-end technologies. Even more obvious is his passion for open source contribution and trial-and-error development, making his blog one of the most honest and engaging around.
